trailer park / aliens / world cup 400AD

What's Ricky doin? Convincing
& Julian? Mitigating (the convincing)
Bubbles? Trying to stop it.
You can always 'sum up' what someone's statements try to do with an utterance (clause, sentence, paragraph...) What was the purpose/meaning of that piece of speech?


remnants of aliens in language? (how far back can the) "UFO's" existence can be supported? when did the word(s) for "UFO" enter each language?


WORLD CUP 400AD: Roman Empire, Celts, Native Americans, Aboriginals, Africans, Arabs Japanese, East Asian ...


Doesn't every word (and clause) have a first person that has said it?
who are these people?
why does it stick?
who repeats it?
when in our lifetimes does that happen (and w/ what frequency per time period of a human's life)?


***Difference btwn derivational (English) + synthetic (Spanish) languages?


y do we assume we talk for a reason? are we just trying to improve a social condition (or variable: D, S and R (Brown & Levinson) sometimes? we're not always delivery an invitation, request, apology, etc... Sometimes the society, the hearer or the speaker talks due to obligation, to a reason.

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